Sunday, November 1, 2015

Late October / Early November House Update

After weeks (months?) of research and showroom visits, we finalized our plans for the bathrooms and the kitchen. By happenstance, we discovered a newly installed kitchen for sale.  It turns out there is a big market for secondhand and ex-display kitchens in London.  In this situation, a foreign bank had purchased and developed a large London property and then placed it on the market.  After it sold, the new owners decided they didn't like the fixtures and fittings (including a high-end kitchen).  We submitted an offer on the kitchen and we're keeping our fingers crossed for an acceptance today. We think it will work beautifully in our new space.

In the  meantime, our builders have continued digging out the outdoor terrace.  They have also been clearing the overgrown plants in the back garden. Garett was thrilled to find out the fig tree has been sent to the graveyard.  On the downside, the removal of the fig exposed a brick wall that is falling apart.

The new kitchen!

Garett's dream - four ovens (did I mention two refrigerators?)

 Garett measuring the island - it's big!

 We also want to buy the pantry

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Ryan is checking out the newly poured concrete.  You can almost imagine the new kitchen.

 Ryan - don't step in the concrete! Doh!

 I don't even want to think about the weight these 6 poles are supporting! Just kidding - there is a steel beam above and to the right.

View towards the front of the house - we enjoy walking the gang plank!

This space won't always be so open, but it's nice to see the house front-to-back

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