Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tim Arrives in London

I left Minneapolis at 10pm on Thursday and arrived in London at noon on Friday - right on time. Got through Customs with no problems, found my bag, and met up with Garett. We took the Tube back to their place.

It's taken a few days to adjust to the change in time. Slept 12 hours the first night and then couldn't sleep much at all on Saturday night. Of course the neighbors playing a loud video all night didn't help. Sunday was much better. Things are back to normal now.

I have been to all sorts of places. Westminster Abby, the British Museum, Trafalgar Square, the National Museum, and the Portrait Museum. We have also hit a few local pubs. We walk a lot!

Ryan has art class all this week so we take the bus with his friend Penelope. He has made a lobster and a hula dancer. We had fish & chips today after his class before going to Trafalgar Square. They constructed a hedge maze in the square. Only got lost a few times.

I have been reading a book about English customs so I don't mess up too bad.

Weather here has been great so far. 60's in the morning and then partly sunny and in the low 70's during the day. I have had a little trouble adjusting to the Tube. I think I am a little chlostrophobic and not knowing where I am is a little discomforting. I'm doing better each day.

