Saturday, December 31, 2011

London Fireworks 2012 New Years Eve!!!!!

Here is a link to the BBC broadcast of the 2012 New Year's fireworks show in London. We think we saw Shelly, Garett, and Ryan in the crowd at about the 5:30 mark...

I hope this is a link you can click. We're having some issues with the link. And if you are a person who gets an automatic notice about a blog post, we apologize for the earlier post. Apparently we were actually watching last year's fireworks show!

Terri and John

Brian's New Look

Here is a drawing that Grace did of Brian at dinner the other night. Note especially the hair (or lack of) on his head, the facial hair, and the shirt collar that looks like his shoulders. I also love the moustache! She has really captured it all!
