Friday, November 19, 2010

Unexpected event - Санаанд оромгүй явдал

Last Saturday, we had about 6 inch heavy snow and it caused a little damage to our house. The tree in the sidewalk split up and fell between our house and our neighbor in the north side. As a result, two windows and storm screen were broken and some roof damage to our neighbor' s house. We are not sure whether it had made some damage to our roof.
Өнгөрсөн хагас сайн өдөр нэгэн санамсаргүй явдал боллоо. Анхны цас орж, манай байшингийн өмнө байсан мод хугарч, манай гэрийн дээврийн орой дээр ойчлоо. Азаар нэг их хохирол амссангүй. Хойд талын 2 цонх л хагарсанаас өөр ноцтой хохирол амссангүй. Харин манай хөршийн дээврийн нэг булан нь нэлээн гэмтсэн. Улаан өнгийн дээвэртэй байшин нь манай байшин байгаа юм.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fall in London

Last weekend was Halloween - definitely more of a low key affair in London. Ryan dressed up as Harry Potter and he went trick-or-treating with his friend, Penelope, on the fire escapes of the flats in her estate. We carved a jack-o'-lantern to let the kids know we were giving out candy. There were 4-5 groups of kids...not bad, but not the 1,000 we get in Denver.

Yesterday we went to see the 'Fantastic Mr. Fox' at the Little Angel Theatre ( Friday was Guy Fawkes day, so we have been listening to the booms, bangs, and shrieks of fireworks all weekend.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oh When the Saints...

Here is a photo from the All Saints Mass at Holy Cross on Monday. You might recognize St. Cecelia in the second row from the top on the right side. She is the patron saint of music and is carrying a lyre, which unfortunately, you cannot see. Sorry!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Paul's First Mass

Paul served his first Mass today. It was really neat seeing him up on the altar. He remembered everything he was supposed to do and didn't drop the carafe of wine!


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Previous post

I am having trouble with the video. Maybe it will work for you. I will continue to work on it, but I wanted to get the word out!

Elizabeth's Game Winning Goal!

Here is a video of Elizabeth's game winning goal today.

The Holy Cross Crusader girls were playing in the 2nd game of the tournament after they won yesterday. (Elizabeth scored one of the three goals yesterday.) Today the girls were up 1-0 early in the game, but let St. Pius tie the game. The game ended in the 1-1 tie and they went into a shoot-out.

Coach Carrie chose 5 players to shoot and put Abbi in the goal. Holy Cross missed their first 2 kicks, and St. Pius made their first one but our goalie deflected the second. Both teams made the 3rd kick. St. Pius missed their 4th kick but Holy Cross made theirs. St. Pius made the 5th kick, but she had to re-kick it because she kicked before the whistle. She missed it! But, Holy Cross missed their 5th kick too.

The teams went into a sudden death shoot-out which means each team chose one player to kick. Coach Carrie chose Elizabeth. The video tells the rest of the story. Make sure you listen to Paul's commentary as Elizabeth runs away from the goal. Proud big brother.

I'm a really proud mom today too.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tim Arrives in London

I left Minneapolis at 10pm on Thursday and arrived in London at noon on Friday - right on time. Got through Customs with no problems, found my bag, and met up with Garett. We took the Tube back to their place.

It's taken a few days to adjust to the change in time. Slept 12 hours the first night and then couldn't sleep much at all on Saturday night. Of course the neighbors playing a loud video all night didn't help. Sunday was much better. Things are back to normal now.

I have been to all sorts of places. Westminster Abby, the British Museum, Trafalgar Square, the National Museum, and the Portrait Museum. We have also hit a few local pubs. We walk a lot!

Ryan has art class all this week so we take the bus with his friend Penelope. He has made a lobster and a hula dancer. We had fish & chips today after his class before going to Trafalgar Square. They constructed a hedge maze in the square. Only got lost a few times.

I have been reading a book about English customs so I don't mess up too bad.

Weather here has been great so far. 60's in the morning and then partly sunny and in the low 70's during the day. I have had a little trouble adjusting to the Tube. I think I am a little chlostrophobic and not knowing where I am is a little discomforting. I'm doing better each day.



Friday, July 16, 2010

Хүслэн 3 сар хүрлээ - Khuslen is 3 months old

Khuslen is 3 months old. He is 12 pound 8 oz and 23 1/2 inches. Last one and half month, he had done so many things first time. He went to the Minneapolis Institute of Art as his 1st museum with mom and dad and he saw Andrew's glass plate and the oil painting. He also went to see mom and dad's friend Sundui to the airport. Khuslen celebrated Grand Old Day with his parents and grandmother and went to the Stone Bridge Art Festival with mom and dad. He loves to do be outside and take a walk in the park. Dad's friend Sean visited us for a few days and we went to the Sculpture Garden with him. Khuslen celebrated his 1st Father's Day with mom and dad.He has discovered that he can suck his fingers and he is trying to put his fist in his mouth. He also found that he can lie down on his side. He started laughing loud and rolled over all the way. Khuslen began grabbing his toys. Now he can lift up his head and turn around.
Хүслэн хүү 3 сар хүрлээ. Тэрээр одоо 5 кг 670 грамм жинтэй, 60 см урт боллоо. Өнгөрсөн сар хагасын хугацаанд тэрээр анх удаа зөндөө олон адал явдалтай үйлдэл хийжээ. Тэрээр аав ээжтэйгээ хамт эмээгийн найз Эндрьюгийн Минниаплс хотын урлагийн галерейд тавьсан шилэн таваг болон тосон уран зургийг үзэхээр очлоо. Мөн Хүслэн хүү анх удаа аав ээжийн найз Сундуйтай уулзахаар онгоцны буудал явлаа. Тэрээр бас эцэг эх, эмээтэйгээ хамт Грайнд гудамжинд болдог баярт оролцохын зэрэгцээ урлагийн үзэсгэлэн худалдааг үзлээ. Хүслэн хүү маань гадаа гарч, зугаалах дуртай хүүхэд шүү. Тэрээр аавынхаа найз Шонтой хамт хөшөө дурсгалын паркад очлоо. Тэрээр анх удаа аав нарын баярын өдрийг тэмдэглэлээ. Энэ сард тэрээр олон зүйлийг шинээр туршиж үзлээ. Тэрээр хуруугаа хөхөж, гараа бүхэлд нь амандаа хийх гэж оролддог боллоо. Мөн чанга дуугаар инээж, бүхэл биеэрээ өнхөрж, хажуу талаараа хэвтэж, толгойгоо өргөөд зогсохгүй эргүүлдэг боллоо.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Soccer Tournament

Elizabeth's team had their first tournament game last night. They won 6-2! Elizabeth had the first goal, had a great steal, and didn't let in a single goal when she played goalie in the 4th quarter.

They played again tonight and won again! However, the teams were very evenly matched and it was tough. Elizabeth played goalie again in the 4th quarter and let in the goal to tie the game. The game ended in a tie and went into a sudden death overtime. Elizabeth's team scored about 2 minutes into overtime!

They play again on Thursday night.

Oh, did I mention that the entire game was in a cold, windy, steady rain? Elizabeth was soaked to the bone, as were all of her fans!


Monday, May 31, 2010

Khuslen's daily job - Хүслэн хүүгийн өдөр тутмын хийдэг ажил

Хүслэн хүү маань хөл гараа тарвалзуулан хөдөлгөх дуртай хүүхэд шүү. Видео бичлэгийг амтархан үзээрэй.

Khuslen loves to move his arms and legs and likes kicking all the time, so enjoy the video

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Хүслэн 2 сар хүрлээ - Khuslen is 2 months old

The time is flying so fast and Khuslen is already 2 months old. Now he is 10 pound 15 oz and 22 1/2 inches. He loves taking a walk to the park with mom and dad. He also moves his arms and legs all the time and makes lots of baby noises. He loves to sleep on his back raising his arms up. On his 2 months birthday, Khuslen visited his dad's office and everyone thought he is so cute and happy boy.

Цаг хугацаа гэдэг харвасан сум шиг хурдан өнгөрөх юмаа. Тэрээр одоо 4 кг 961 грамм жинтэй, 56 см урт боллоо. Хүслэн аав, ээжтэйгээ хамт паркаар зугаалах дуртай. Мөн тэрээр үргэлж шулганаж, хөл гараа хөдөлгөж, гараа өргөн унтах дуртай билээ. 2 сар хүрсэн төрсөн өдрөөрөө Хүслэн аавынхаа ажлын газарт очиж, аавынхаа хамт ажилладаг хүмүүстэй танилцлаа. Тэд нар Хүслэнг их өхөөрдөм хөөрхөн төдийгүй их баяр баясгалантай хүү байна гэж хэлж байлаа.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Photos from Easter

Here are some photos from the Mellor visit to Minnesota. We colored eggs and spent most of our time holding Khuslen. He weighs 7 pounds now and is tremendously cute. Sorry, Brian! I don't know why there aren't any photos of you!


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Khuslen's First Trip - Home

Reports are that Khuslen has arrived at home and all is well. We are heading out tomorrow night to go visit the newest Mellor!


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Baby Boy Mellor's Arrival

Baby Boy Mellor arrived today, March 28, 2010 at 10:05 am. He weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long. Here are a few photos. Congratulations Brian and Ogi! We are so excited to meet him!