Sunday, April 29, 2012

Springtime in London - A Good day for "Wellies"

Spring is the best season in London.  Although it rains regularly, the trees and flowers burst forth with amazing colors.  These pictures are of Ryan baking a chocolate cake and Ryan and I returning today from Waitrose, our local grocery store.  Unlike the US, where you can find a whole aisle dedicated to boxed cake mixes, most are made from scratch here.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Disney World April 2012

Ryan enjoyed a week with his cousins in sunny Florida and everything by Disney exceeded expectations.  Here are a few pictures from our trip.

Cinderella's Castle at night

The kids enjoy Norway at Epcot

Another Epcot picture

Topiaries at the entrance to Epcot

An evil queen poses with her loyal subjects

Grace and Ryan get candy from Honeydukes at Harry Potter (Universal Studios)

Mellor-Voecks family at Magic Kingdom (minus Shelly)

Mickey and Minnie were everywhere

Ryan and friend at the Waldorf in Orlando

Ryan celebrates his first upside down roller coaster (after much worrying)

Ryan waiting in line for the Dr. Seuss merry-go-round

Ryan, Grace, Paul and Elizabeth at Universal Studios

Shelly, Garett and Ryan at Epcot
Taking the boat from the Wilderness Lodge to Magic Kingdom

Saturday, April 21, 2012

View from Shelly's Office (After the Rain)

This was the view from my office yesterday.  The rain had stopped and I took took the picture just before a brilliant rainbow appeared over St. Paul's Cathedral.  The Shard (silver building on the right) will be the tallest building in London once it's finished.  I promise to post pictures of Disney World soon.

Monday, April 16, 2012

2 насны төрсөн өдрийн баяр - Khuslen is 2 years old

Wow, the time has been passed so fast. Khuslen is already 2 years old. Khuslen celebrated his birthday with his friends: Ruby and Henry, and dad, mom on his actual birth day first. Then we had his birthday party on March 31 to celebrate with his friends, family and relatives. He loved opening his birthday presents since he knew that he will get something good. Khuslen had lots of fun with his friends, relatives and parents' friends. He was also so happy that grandpa Tim was able to come and celebrate his birthday. He also had lots of fun with his grandpa.
Цаг хугацаа хугацаа хурдан өнгөрөх юмаа. Хүслэн хүү 2 нас хүрлээ. Тэрээр аав ээжийнхээ найзууд болон өөрийнхөө найзуудтайгаа хамт төрсөн өдрөө сайхан тэмдэглэлээ. Тэрээр зөндөө олон бэлэг хүлээн авлаа. Мөн тэрээр энэ удаа Тим өвөө нь төрсөн өдрийг нь тэмдэглэхээр ирсэн маш их баярлав.

Birthday song at the party - Төрсөн өдрөө найзуудтайгаа тэмдэглэж байгаа нь

On 3.28 celebrating his birthday with his friend Ruby, Henry -Төрсөн өдрөө тэмдэглэж байгаа нь