Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Khuslen's visit to Omaha, NE - Өвөөгийнхөө Небраска мужийн Омаахаа хот

Last week Khuslen went to visit his grandpa with his parents for a few days. We went to the Omaha zoo. Khuslen's favorite part at the zoo were the train ride, see a puma cat and animals in the aquarium. He also loved playing the football with grandpa and dad.
Хүслэн хүү хэдэн хоногийн турш өвөөгийнхөө гэрт зочлоод ирлээ. Тэнд байхдаа зоо парк болон аквариумыг очиж үзлээ. Хүслэнд галт тэргээр явах, зэрлэг муур болон акварумд байгаа загас болон далайн амьтдыг үзэх нь илүү их таалагдлаа. Тэрээр бас өвөө, аавтайгаа хамт америк хөл бөмбөг тоглох их дуртай байлаа.
 Дөнгөж өвөөгийнхөө гэрт ирээд байгаа нь
 Playing the football with dad and grandpa - өвөөтэйгөө хөл бөмбөг тоглож байгаа нь
 Clear Lake, Iowa - Аяваа мужийн Цэвэр Нуур хотод
 Globe at the Omaha zoo - Зоо парк дахь дэлхийн бөмбөрцөг
 Train ride at the zoo - галт тэргээр явж байгаа нь

 Khuslen's favorite animal: Puma cat - Хүслэнгийн дуртай зэрлэг муур

 Train ride - галт тэргээр явж байгаа нь

 Being silly - өвөөтэйгөө тоглож байгаа нь

 At the jungle area - зоо парк дахь ширэнгэн ой дотор

At the zoo entrance - зоо парк руу орох хаалганы дэргэд

At the desert dome  -  цөлийн хэсэгт
 At the playground near the grandpa's house - өвөөгийнхөө гэрийн ойр байдаг тоглоомын газарт

 Remembering our childhood - хүүхэд насаа дурсан санаж байгаа нь

 Learning to play the golf - гоолф тоглож сурах гэж байгаа нь
 At the Mexican restaurant: La Mesa to celebrate the dad's birthday - Мексик хоолны газар аавынхаа төрсөн өдрийг тэмдэглэж байгаа нь
Corn field in Earlham, Iowa - Эрдэнэ шишийн тариалангийн талбай

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Busy in Indiana!

Well, Ryan has come to visit the Indiana Mellors and we've been too busy to even post anything about it.  I have photos, but all you're getting tonight is a quick recap!

Tuesday - picked up Ryan from Midway.  Hamburgers for dinner.  Elizabeth had soccer, Paul had band.  The rest of us went to the pool for an hour.

Wednesday - big final conference swim meet for Elizabeth and Grace.  Ryan slept in and then John brought him to the meet.  Both girls placed in the top 12 in each of their events.  Grace got 1st place in butterfly!  Chilled in the afternoon as everyone was exhausted.  Summer pasta for dinner.  Bike ride to playground.

Thursday - everyone slept in except Paul who is still in summer school.  Bike rides, treehouse, pool party in the evening.  More soccer.

Friday - Paul's last day of summer school.  He got a 95% on his final.  food shopping again.  planned and packed for campout.  Paul went on his Boy Scout campout to finish his cooking badge.  Elizabeth went to soccer.  Terri, Grace, and Ryan went to Potato Creek for tent camping.  They learned how to pitch a tent, light a fire, and cookout.  Spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner with s'mores for dessert.  Overflow camping was in the horse area and we slept soundly to the occasional whinney of a horse.

Saturday - pancakes and sausage cooked over the fire.  Broke camp when John and Elizabeth arrived.  Rented canoes and canoed for about 1 1/2 hours.  picnic lunch by the lake.  Bike ride until the hills conquered Grace's single gear bike and she just couldn't pedal anymore.  (plus, we heard thunder)  Hiked on "not really a trail" and had to cut through a family reunion to get to the nature center.  Demo on bubbles at the nature center.  We have the recipe and may make some at home this week.  Home in late afternoon for showers for everyone and then out to Hacienda for Mexican food for dinner.

Sunday - Mass at 8:30.  Elizabeth didn't have to serve!  Scrambled eggs and banana chocolate chip muffins for breakfast.  Packed the car and headed for New Buffalo beach.  Great day at the beach.  Picnic lunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  Then the storm rolled in so we headed home.  Elizabeth had soccer practice and we picked up Paul from scouts.  Everyone had showers again.  (This is Ryan's third shower in 3 days!)  Sausage, green beans fresh from the garden, tater tots, fresh veggies, and pierogis for dinner.  Ryan doesn't care for the pierogis, but he tried them!  Relaxing evening and now the kids are camping out in the basement!

I'm exhausted and am going to bed!  Night everyone!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Thomas exhibition at the Children's Museum - Хүүхдийн музей доторх Томас галт тэрэгний үзэсгэлэн

Today we went to see the Thomas exhibition at the Children's museum. He had so much at the museum. His favorite part was to watch the Thomas movie, play with the Gordon, moving the blocks at the building site, letting the boat go down through the water slide. 7 сарын 20-ны өдөр Хүслэн хүү аав ээжтэйгээ хамт хүүхдийн музей дэхь Томас галт тэрэгний үзэсгэлэнг үзлээ. Хүслэн Гордон галт тэргээр тоглож, Томас хүүхэлдэй үзэж, том том блок зөөж, жижигхэн завиа усаар гулгуулж тоглоход хамгийн их дуртай байлаа.

 Thomas engine which is used for the live action - Томас кинонд хэрэглэсэн Томас модель
 Model engine for the Thomas cartoon and live action - Энэхүү загвар дээр үндэслэж Томас хүүхэлдэйний галт тэрэгнүүдийг хийжээ

Найзуудтайгаа нуурын эрэг дээр тоглож байгаа нь - Having fun with friends at the Elm Creek Swimming pond

Хүслэн хүү Рүүби, Хэнри болон Рүүби Ренота гэдэг найзуудтайгаа хамт нуурын эрэг дээр тоглож өнжлөө. Хүслэн Хэнри хоёр бие бие рүүгээ шаргал бөмбөг шидэж тоглох дуртай байлаа.  Today is July 18th and we went to the Elm Creek swimming pond with friends to have fun. Ruby Renota and her parent, Ruby, Henry, Jennifer and we went together to have at the pond. Khuslen and Henry's favorite part of the day was to throw the orange ball to each other and picked it up if they dropped it.
 Рүүби Ренота аавтайгаа хамт - Ruby Renota and her dad
 Рүүбийг элсээр булж тоглож байгаа нь - covering Ruby with sand

 Рүүби, Хэнри болон Женнифер - Ruby, Henry and Jennifer

 Ruby Renota, her mom and Jennifer
 Favorite part to throw the orange ball at each other

Мөхөөлдөс идэж байгаа нь