At Adventure Island - it is a water park
Khuslen loved to play in the pool at the Adventure Island
At Clear Water beach
At Clear Water beach
At my friend's house
At Honeymoon Island beach
At Honeymoon Island beach
At Honeymoon Island
At YMCA pool
Feeding the bird at the Honeymoon Island
Dolphin Nicholas show at the Clear Water Aquiarium
Nicholas dolphin
at the Clear Water Aquiarium
at the Clear Water Aquiarium
Winter's tale
Dolphin Winter which played the in the movie "Dolphin Tale"
Boat ride from the downtown Tampa to the Clear Water Aquiarium
Boat ride from the downtown Tampa to the Clear Water Aquiarium
Trolley ride from the Clear Water Aquiarium to the downtown
Having lunch at the Island Way cafe near the Clear Water Aquiarium
At Tarpon Springs Greek town
At Tarpon Springs Greek town
At Tarpon Springs Greek town
At Tarpon Springs Greek town
Bonfire at my friend's house
At Skyway Sunshine Bridge
My friend Jagaa's family
On the way to the Skyway Sunshine Bridge
Skyway sunshine bridge