Monday, March 19, 2012
Visit to Florida - Флорида муж руу явсан аялал
Khuslen and I visited my Mongolian friends in Clear water, Florida. We enjoyed the Busch gardens and beach. At the Busch gardens, he loved taking all different kinds of rides so much. It was Khuslen's 1st time to the beach. In the beginning, he was not sure about getting into the ocean. Then eventually he liked getting into the beach and playing with the sand. Khuslen also loved playing with Sarnai and Erdene who are my best friends' kids. Khuslen also loved to take a train ride in the mall and he did not want to leave the train at all. It was so enjoyable and fun trip to Florida.
Хүслэн хүү ээжтэйгээ хамт Флорида мужид байдаг ээжийнхээ найзууд дээр айлчлаад ирлээ. Хүслэн хүү анх удаа далай үзлээ. Тэрээр эхэндээ далай руу орохоос эмээж байсан боловч хэсэг хугацааны дараа далай руу орж сайхан тоглож байлаа. Мөн Бүүш гардэн гэдэг парк руу ээжийнхээ найзын хүүхдүүд болох Сарнай, Эрдэнэтэй очиж тоглолоо. Паркад байхдаа Хүслэнгийн хамгийн дуртай тоглох тоглоом болох галт тэрэг унах байлаа.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
New Glasses & Out and About in London

Ryan got new glasses recently. He also lost his "gemini tooth" (double front tooth) and wouldn't let the tooth fairy take take it. He spends most of his free time reading, other than when he's on the computer or iPad. We named our new (old Victorian) chair, "Edmund". It is just the right size for Ryan to enjoy books. Spring blossoms are starting to appear and we have been enjoying the nice weather.
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