Khuslen is 14 months old. He started pulling himself up and walking while he is holding on something. He had his 1st Easter egg hunting and he found them quite quickly than we were expected. Since Easter, he loves playing with his Easter eggs.
Khuslen took his mom to the IDS building (tallest one in downtown Minneapolis) for Mother's Day Brunch and it was a really big surprise for me. He tried to scoot himself first time on the grass on May 6th and he likes to play with rocks and grass and at the same time, he tries to eat them too.. He loves being outside all the time like his mom. Since his hair is growing long, we had his 1st haircut on May 16th and he was not very fussy and instead, he fascinated seeing other people's hair cut.
Хүслэн хүү 1 нас 2 сар хүрлээ. Сүүлийн үеийн сониноос гэвэл, тэрээр өндийж босож зогсон, юм түшин явдаг болж байна. Тэрээр анх удаа Улаан өндөгний баяраар нуусан тоглоомон өндөгийг маш хурдан олж авлаа. Хүслэн хүү эхчүүдийн баяраар Минниайплис хотын хамгийн өндөр барилгын дээд давхарт байрладаг ресторанд ээжийгээ авч очин хооллон баярлууллаа. Тэрээр анх удаа 5 сарын 6нд зүлгэн дээр мөлхөж үзлээ. Тэгээд юм л бол өвс, чулуу түүж идэх гээд байдаг боллоо. Төрсөнөөсөө хойш Хүслэн хүү анх удаа 5 сарын 16нд үсээ авхууллаа.